
An example of orbital calculation program for satellites (低高度〜高高度軌道 人工衛星軌道計算プログラムの一例)

低高度〜高高度軌道 人工衛星軌道計算プログラム(一例)
(An example of orbital calculation program for satellites)
(C)Noboru, Ji1NZL
Following basic language program is to get orbits for many satellites.
I, (Noboru,) improved the original program for AO-10 (Phase IIIb) by (C)W3IWI [1] to apply any satellites. The orbital elements are based on 2 line TLE data. 
The original has a bug that some outcome had wrong direction degree and the angle. 
I fixed it and improved to apply correct semi major axes value for every satellites.

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(1) The parameters "Semi Major Axis" are defined in "DATA" directive as constant values, but they should be calculated from TLE 2line data. 
I tried to calculate them from the Newton's  low.
Unfortunately, the calculated outcome had small error and caused orbital data error that I could not accept their accuracy.
Then I input "Semi Major Axis" to be constant values to improve the orbital accuracy.
More study is required for it.

[1] AO-10 orbit program written by W3IWI on CQ Ham radio (maybe 1992 after the launch of Phase III)
[2] The manuals of Basic language for IBM PC AT, and Toshiba J-3100
[3] 2line TLE data

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